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These Celebrities Went Bankrupt! So I guess it’s not that far-fetched to say that[…]
Do you know why your Social Security is being rejected? Social Security benefits have[…]
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What do you know about Social Security? Understanding how to maximize your benefits as[…]

Personal Finance

What do you know about Social Security? Understanding how to maximize your benefits as[…]
These are just a few of the reasons to buy an ugly home. Make[…]




ridiculous taxes

9 Most Ridiculous Things You’ll Get Taxed for

Which are some of the most ridiculous taxes? Nothing is certain except death and taxes. You’ve probably heard this at least once. When it comes to these two, it seems there’s no limit to how or when either can occur. Yet there are many ridiculous taxes, and some are shorter-lived

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IRS refund

13 Ways to Get Your IRS Tax Refund Faster Than Ever

Every single year, IRS fraud filters put millions of refunds under review, sometimes, including those that are super legitimate, at least that’s what the Taxpayer Advocate Service declared. Even if most of them are usually released after confirmation of identity or data clarification (or any other tax information, for that

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7 Random Things You Will Get Taxed For

If you’re working, you know that the money you make is taxable. You also probably know that some investment income is taxed, too. The bad news is that there are more taxable items on the IRS’s list. If you’ve picked up some extra money through skill, luck, or even criminal

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tax return

6 Tax Return Secrets Most Accountants Hide From You

Even though filing your tax return is something you do every year, not everyone gets familiar with it over time. Besides deciding which service or software is best for you, new income streams and life events can change your information, which means this year’s tax filing won’t be the same

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