Walmart Won’t Bring These 11 Products Anymore

clothes walmart
Photo by ZikG from Shutterstock

Metro 7 clothes

One of Walmart’s first attempts to make its own fashion-forward clothing was this very private-label brand, which was launched in 2005 alongside some splashy ad campaigns in Vogue. Even so, as the line managed to do pretty well in some stores where it was originally launched, Metro 7 failed miserably to catch attention in the wide majority of Walmart stores.

So the company ultimately decided to shut it down. However, it seems that Walmart had more success with private labels such as Faded Glory.

Water Gremlin products

Water Gremlin is a Minnesota-based company that makes lead fishing sinkers. Unfortunately, it completely fell out of favor with Walmart at the end of 2019, as they later discovered that the kids of factory workers were found with high levels of lead in their blood, which was directly linked to their parents’ exposure to the products, as Minnesota Public Radio has shown.


29 Responses

    1. Somehow they consider the concept of a woman president to be against “family values”. How is that keeping us safe and healthy?

      1. I wish we could see less production of China
        Products at Walmart I will not buy anything
        With China on it .

  1. But they sell garbage lawnmowers and when they break down they tell you to contact the manufacturer. The problem with that is the manufacturer doesn’t answer the phone or they tell you to contact them by email that they don’t answer either. DO NOT BUY A POWERSMART LAWNMOWER FROM THEM. They are junk and they don’t stand behind their products

  2. Walmart is Anti-women. OK. As a woman, I am anti-Walmart. Why is a woman president against family values? Because, according to Walmart, women are chatel.

  3. It has long been a trend with Walmart since Sam Died that any off brand that outsells a Name brand is discontinued in favor of the higher priced name brand. It is how they operate in order to sell the name brand. They also create their own Shortages of certain items like Cat Food, Walmart’s brand Special Kitty will be out for weeks until the expensive brands are nearly sold out.

  4. Why does so many people think or feel like Walmart looking out for them ? You got them to drop these items by complaint or not buying !!,
    Did you not read the story, everything FAILED to do as expected( not buying) or to many complaints/ down falls.
    Walmart looking out for thier bottom line. They will sell what ever sells !!

  5. I wish Walmart would not buy from China
    I would like to go into Walmart and find no products from China . I will never give my money to them, if I pick something up from China I put it back .

  6. I resisted buying groceries at walmart! but now they do save me money for sure.I used smaller stores and local but prices in these store have sky rocketed.No money to support them regularly anymore.

  7. Do not ever believe the “in stock” because a lot of times they are for products they NEVER carried. I used to check online, but when I went to the store found that it was not there, no tags on the counters, not sold out, but something they didn’t ever sell. They just will say in stock to ANYthing you ask about. So 19 times out of 20, I leave Wal-Mart empty handed.

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