3. Vehicles
Let’s face it, cars are pretty expensive, especially if you decide to buy one that’s brand new. Choosing one that is pre-owned will help you save up to thousands of dollars, which is great when you have a tight budget. But before you pay the previous owner off, you need to make sure that the vehicle is in good condition and that it has been thoroughly checked by a professional mechanic.
Several money-saving experts say that it might be best to go with a used car, especially during times of uncertainty, whether it’s your finances that are low or the country’s economy. In that case, buying something you can safely use but that won’t leave you with huge debt or even no debt at all might be one of the wisest things to do.
9 Responses
i.e. shirts, pants, jackets at Goodwill.
I buy most of my clothes at a resale shop, shoes that are sometimes new for under$10, jeans for $2.50. – $5.00, a like new jacket for under $10 etc. Just need to check frequently and buy what you will use but do not wait til you need a specific item and have high expectations of finding it.
Any other suggestions on being economical, i.e., whether to dumpster dive, swap, set up elephant flea markets, finding old but good food, etc.
I have some of all these items for anyone who would care to buy them USED. Thanks
Textbooks. Nowadays many professors are a little more forgiving when it comes to buying textbooks you will use for 16 weeks and then are likely to never open it again. Amazon and affiliates are good at offering textbooks of different editions and professors often allow students to purchase older editions that are less expensive. And Amazon et. al. are good at categorizing texts by quality and price and you can get a good deal depending on what you can tolerate (bent cover or smoothed edges etc.)
Hard-covered textbooks may be a goldmine for 2025.
Its called settling rather than buying what you would like
Great advice.
I usually take advantage to free clothing shops locally .summer yard sales and freebie boxes…at times curb side freebies in clues furniture!! Frequent my local libraries!!