Is buying at Walmart always a good idea?
Oh, Walmart… The favorite place of any savvy American shopper. This is the store to go to when you want something that is not expensive but good at the same time. But is buying at Walmart the best alternative for any item?
Not really, and this is why we are here! Yes, Walmart is a great place to buy stuff, but there are some things you should stop buying at Walmart immediately.
We know that you are here for low prices and convenience, but what’s the point of these things when the quality is not what you were expecting?
Let’s see together what these items are, so from now on you will know what to avoid.

1. Home appliances
Can you remember the last time you visited someone and once observed their new oven or their new coffee machine, you were amazed by the quality, and they told you, “Thanks, I got it at Walmart”?
Probably this never happened, and there is a good reason for this. First of all, the appliance selection at Walmart is not the most impressive one. This is why buying at Walmart in this case might seem like the most boring activity ever.
Then, if we were to compare the prices, what Walmart has to offer can’t even be compared with what you can find at Costco, Best Buy, and Lowe’s. These retailers have much better prices and also a larger selection.
However, the best bet for home appliances is to visit a local independent retailer. If your refrigerator is broken, you will never wait for it. This is why if you go to an independent, you can be sure they have it in the warehouse ready to go home with you as quickly as possible.
2. Fresh produce
Buying at Walmart in this case is ok only if you are in a hurry and you need some fresh produce immediately. Or maybe you were shopping there anyway, and now you can also visit the produce section after all. It’s simpler than going to a new store.
But if you are going for groceries and you want to also buy produce, keep in mind that there are better alternatives. The produce from Walmart is not bad, but it’s expensive. You can find better prices elsewhere. Our recommendations would be to visit the local farmer’s market or Save-A-Lot. In this way, you can be sure that indeed you’ll be saving a lot!
Based on the variety of the products, the fresh produce at Walmart is placed at the very bottom and is closely followed by Target.
3. Great Value brand toilet paper
We can’t do anything about this. We all need toilet paper, but buying at Walmart in this case is not the best decision, especially if we are talking about their brand of toilet paper, Great Value.
You can buy other brands of toilet paper from here, but steer clear of Great Value. Buying at Walmart in this case is the worst decision you can make because, according to Customer Reports, this brand landed solidly at the bottom.
They conducted some tests, and this weird-named brand, Great Value Bathroom Tissue, performed terribly. Is not soft, is not strong, and is not disintegrating well. You don’t need this in your life. It scored 9 out of 100!
The test was conducted in 2015; therefore, Walmart may have improved the quality of its paper since then. But is it worth taking the risk to save a few cents?
4. Luggage
When you plan on buying at Walmart, keep in mind that getting luggage from here might be the thing that will destroy your vacation. A suitcase that breaks in the middle of the trip is one of the worst things that can happen!
There is a high risk of this happening if you buy your luggage from Walmart, and you better stay away! Along with Target, Ross, Sears, and Burlington Coat Factory, which are all discount retailers, Walmart ranks very low among the places where you can buy luggage, according to a survey from Consumer Reports.
But where can you go instead? What are the best places to buy a good and reliable suitcase? Try REI, Luggage Pros, Amazon, L.L. Bean, and, and thank us later.
5. Pet food
Buying at Walmart should not be an option when looking for pet food. The quality is not the best but also not the worst. If you’ve run out of kibble, you can buy something fast from here, but otherwise, you better avoid doing this.
Buying a big bag of food from Walmart will empty your wallet and, in the end, is simply not worth it. If your pet is a fan of expensive food, the best thing to do is to pay for a subscription service.
According to Urban Tastebuds, by doing this, you’ll be able to feed your pet high-end meals for just $3 per day!
Of course, there’s also Amazon, where you can easily set up automatic pet food orders and take advantage of great discounts ranging from 5% to 10% off every bag, according to Best Life.
6. Gift cards
Sometimes you just want some gift cards. They are amazing because you get them easily and you gift them to anyone, and they will probably be happy to be able to pick whatever they want.
If you get your gift cards from here, you should stop buying at Walmart because you will always pay the face value for them. A better alternative would be to look for gift cards at Sam’s Club and Costco because here you can purchase them in bulk for a better price.
Getting four $25 gift cards for $69.99 is better than paying $100 for them, right?
Also, if you prefer shopping online, you can try to look at sites like GiftCardGranny because here you can receive some discounts and cashback deals for various gift cards.

7. Tires
From time to time, you’ll need to change your tires, but buying at Walmart when you want to do this is not a great idea. Hit the brakes now and reconsider this move.
Is it true that you can get a good deal, but after all, is this deal worth it if, at the end of the day, you get some bad tires? Stay with us because we are about to compare some prices for replacing the tires on a 2004 Chevy Silverado.
At Walmart, they are $875.96. But if you go to Costo and have a $70 coupon, you’ll pay $817.92 and also get better-quality tires. This is a difference of $58.04.
Also, we have to add that at Costco, they will rotate and balance your tires for free. If you want to get this service at Walmart, you will have to pay $12 per tire.
Buying at Walmart is not always the best option, especially when you find better items or better prices elsewhere. These are the worst products to buy from Walmart, and looking for them in any other store is probably a better decision.
Do you have any Walmart products you regret buying? Tell us more in the comments!
If you need some gift cards, check this out: eGift Card (Instant Email or Text Delivery)
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