Debt-Free Lifestyle Habit: Not Wasting Money
Debt-free people don’t waste money on unnecessary “stuff.” They’re constantly checking to ensure no hidden fees on their bills and no fraudulent charges on their bank accounts. And it’s improbable you’ll catch them spending $1,000 on sneakers.
Sure, they may splurge a bit once in a while. But it won’t be a big splurge and won’t derail their overall financial goals.
They avoid making rash purchases, like homes or cars they can’t afford, paying more than they have to on something, or spending too much on items that lose their value.
They have also learned to squeeze every penny out of every buck and found ways to save where most people don’t think there is room to do so.
Debt-Free Lifestyle Habit: Turning off auto pay
Experts recommend removing all auto-pay or auto-fill options on websites where you frequently shop. This forces you to consider how much money you’re spending before you hit that “buy now” button.