12 Debt-Free Lifestyle Habits You’ll Want to Copy TODAY

Debt-Free Lifestyle Habit
Photo by Goksi at Shutterstock

Debt-Free Lifestyle Habit: Don’t Get Duped by “Smart” Marketers

Let’s be honest: When you want to become debt-free, you’ve got to defend your wallet fiercely. People who are free of debt can detect a shady sales gimmick from a mile away. You won’t see a debt-free person falling for a “90-day same-as-cash” guarantee.

They’re way too bright for that. And if they want whatever it is, they’ll save up the cash to buy it.

Though a “90-day same-as-cash” offer might seem like something intelligent people do to make their money work for them, many people don’t pay these loans off before the due date. Then they’re stuck paying back interest at 25% to 37%. No, thanks!

You MUST know the risks associated with this financial move, and if you want or need something, save up and pay cash instead.

Debt-Free Lifestyle Habit: Create an emergency fund

According to a study, 45% of Americans don’t have savings. To prevent going into debt, though, you should have enough to cover 3 to 6 months’ worth of living expenses in case something extreme happens.

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