Car Insurance Costs: These 8 Clever Tips Will Cut Them Down

car insurance
Image By Pormezz From Shutterstock

#3 Raise the number of your deductibles

You may have noticed that when you are selecting your car insurance, you are also choosing the deductible you will pay. These deductibles are actually what you will pay out of pocket before the insurance covers everything else if your car gets involved in an accident, some sort of burglary, or anything else that could damage your car. Depending on the policy of the insurance firm you are working with, the sum of your deductible can be anything between $250 and $1,000.

The catch here is that if you have the lowest deductible, then your annual premium is going to be higher. A great trade you can make here is to raise the deductible and thus lower your premium. You should discuss this with your agent before you commit to anything and see how this deductible premium situation works with their firm. This is a good way to make the annual premium lower by a few percentage points and not have to pay so much, or it could be that the savings are minimal.

But until you ask, you will not know, so keep this in mind.

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One Response

  1. As a senior citizen I only drive once a week to the store, to have hair done, etc. I’ve taken the defensive driving course, increased my deductible to $1,000 and I did a 90 test with my insurance company to check my driving with an app on my phone. I haven’t had a moving car accident but, I have scraped the car, been towed, got caught in a bus tracks in the snow. I’ve filed two minor claims. Is there anything else I can do?

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