Car Insurance Costs: These 8 Clever Tips Will Cut Them Down

car insurance
Image By Maria Avvakumova From Shutterstock

#4 Get a smaller vehicle

You may feel great having a big van or an SUV, but let’s be honest: getting insurance for a top-of-the-line vehicle that weighs several thousand pounds is going to be way more costly than insuring a smaller (yet just as safe) car. Not only that, but chances are that if you are approaching your golden years and you don’t live on a ranch, you have no need for such a big car.

A way to make sure your car insurance isn’t as high as it is now is to switch to a smaller vehicle. What’s more, if you opt for a hybrid or alternative-fueled car, you may be eligible for further discounts! You can both help the environment and save some money! Make sure to look into how rates change based on the type of vehicle you have before you commit to the change!

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One Response

  1. As a senior citizen I only drive once a week to the store, to have hair done, etc. I’ve taken the defensive driving course, increased my deductible to $1,000 and I did a 90 test with my insurance company to check my driving with an app on my phone. I haven’t had a moving car accident but, I have scraped the car, been towed, got caught in a bus tracks in the snow. I’ve filed two minor claims. Is there anything else I can do?

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