Car Insurance Costs: These 8 Clever Tips Will Cut Them Down

car insurance
Image By Galyna_Andrushko From Envato Elements

#5 Keep an eye out on the road

Yes, it sounds cheesy, but this is one of the best ways. You have to be a safe driver, and this means being very careful when you are on the road. And while for some, this goes without saying, a lot of us could be more careful than we already are, especially in today’s age when there are so many things that can distract you right inside your car!

The more careful you are when on the road, the lower your chances of being involved in an accident, as well as any other tiny road violations you may make by accident. Doing so will also decrease the point you may receive and thus lower your insurance rates!

Depending on your driving record and your insurance company, you may end up getting between a 10% and 23% discount on your insurance premium!

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One Response

  1. As a senior citizen I only drive once a week to the store, to have hair done, etc. I’ve taken the defensive driving course, increased my deductible to $1,000 and I did a 90 test with my insurance company to check my driving with an app on my phone. I haven’t had a moving car accident but, I have scraped the car, been towed, got caught in a bus tracks in the snow. I’ve filed two minor claims. Is there anything else I can do?

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