Car Insurance Costs: These 8 Clever Tips Will Cut Them Down

car insurance
Image By Wachiwit From Shutterstock

#8 Make use of mass transit

When you go to sign up for car insurance, you will be given a questionnaire by the company you chose. While it may not seem that important, there is a question there that actually counts a lot toward how much you are going to be paying on your car insurance premium. That’s the number of miles you travel with your insured car per year.

If you are one of the people who use the car for commuting, there is a high chance you will be paying more in insurance premiums than someone who is not doing the same thing. We are talking about commutes that take you, on average, over two hours every day. Generally speaking, if you live in a big city, you have a high chance of decreasing the amount you will be paying on your car insurance if you lower your mileage by taking mass transit from time to time.

It may not seem like you will be saving much if you end up taking the bus or subway two times a week, but in the long run, it can save you a lot. In order to ensure that your efforts to reduce your annual mileage are not wasted, inquire with your agent or car insurance company about their mileage threshold policy.

And if you’re looking for more ways in which you become an insurance genius, start by checking if you know the basics!

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One Response

  1. As a senior citizen I only drive once a week to the store, to have hair done, etc. I’ve taken the defensive driving course, increased my deductible to $1,000 and I did a 90 test with my insurance company to check my driving with an app on my phone. I haven’t had a moving car accident but, I have scraped the car, been towed, got caught in a bus tracks in the snow. I’ve filed two minor claims. Is there anything else I can do?

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