6 Tips To Pay Off Credit Card Debt FAST

Credit Card Debt
Photo by yosmoes815 at Shutterstock

Stop Using Your Credit Card Altogether

Once you decide to take the step towards being debt-free, you need to REALLY commit to the idea. This means switching to using your debit rather than your credit card and no more utilizing it unless you have to make payments requiring a credit card.

And if you do have to use credit, you should make the payment in full every month. If you feel like you can’t control yourself: grab a Ziploc, throw your credit cards in there, fill it with water, and pop it in the freezer!

Now, we understand that using your credit card at times is safer than using a debit. Especially when it comes to fraud and travel protection. In this case, be sure you calculate that spending into your monthly budget.

This approach is one of the fastest ways to pay off your credit card debt merely because when you stop increasing your debt, it’s easier to see it go down.

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