Looking for Traditional Pensions? Here Are 10 Jobs to Apply For

Photo by Rido from Shutterstock


Nurses that spend their days caring for other people, alongside 41% of registered nurses might be eligible to receive pension payments during their retirement years.

Those who work in hospitals are even more likely to have access to a defined benefit pension. Registered nurses usually earn an average of $75,330 a year.

However, the need for nurses is likely to grow, as the baby boomer population is aging, and they require more medical services than before. The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects to see a 9% increase in nursing jobs by the end of 2030.


As much as a third of private sector transportation and warehousing employees are fully eligible to participate in a traditional pension plan.

“When it comes to the private sector, the only industries where new employees have meaningful access to various traditional pension plans are the ones with high union density, like transportation, construction, manufacturing, and even maintenance.” as Kennedy explained.

Depending on the employer you’ve got, some drivers or groups of workers at airlines, for example, might be eligible to apply for a pension plan, even if many of those plans have been frozen or even closed to new employees.

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