These 6 Things Will Cut Down Your Social Security Payments

social security
Photo by William Potter from Shutterstock

4. Creditor attachment

Before you panic if you have some unpaid debts that seem to follow you wherever you go, know that you are not alone! The bad news is that some unpaid debts give creditors the right to lawfully seize your property.

For instance, if you are no longer able to make your automobile payments, the bank that holds your loan may take your car. Additionally, while Social Security benefits are generally secure, certain powerful creditors could be able to seize them. The IRS is one of them, and it can deduct money from your Social Security payment to cover overdue taxes. Additionally, if you have a child and have not paid alimony, your social security may also be impacted.

The good news is that your monthly payment of $750 is going to be protected by law no matter how many unpaid debts you have.

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