Ready to Max Out Your 401(k) in 2023? Here Are The Steps!

money 2023
Photo by Rido from Shutterstock

Qualify for tax breaks

Did you know that you can defer income tax as much as $22,500 from what you save on a 401(k) plan in 2023? A worker in the 24% tax bracket who is able to save this amount might reduce their tax bill by $5,400. Income tax won’t be due with this amount of money until it’s withdrawn from the account.

Workers who earn less than $36,500 in 2023 ($73,000 for couples) will be able to qualify additionally for the saver’s credit, which is usually worth between 10% and 50% of 401(k) contributions up to $2,000 for individual and $4,000 for couples. However, the biggest saver’s credits usually go to workers with the lowest incomes.

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