11 Popular Products Costco Won’t Sell Anymore This Year

car insurance product
Image By Maria Avvakumova From Shutterstock


It seems that Monsanto’s weedkiller, Roundup, has been recently linked to cancer in humans. In fact, you probably didn’t know this, but there’s one couple who even won a $2 billion lawsuit over this claim, urging Costco to immediately pull the chemical killer off shelves and remove all the other products that might contain glyphosate.

Instead, consumers have the option of getting non-toxic weed killers at Walmart, and they won’t pay over $30.

Studded tires

Even if studded tires are effective when it’s the season for snowy roads, apparently, Costco discontinued them many years ago, due to concerns that the studs were actually damaging the roadways. Instead, you could buy snow chains from Auto Zone, where they oftentimes retail for less than $50.

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2 Responses

  1. I loved the combo pizzas, and haven’t bought any of their pizzas since they quit selling the combo years ago. It was a huge disappointment. I am planning on trying Sams combo now that I’m a member there as well.

  2. Keep saying ok to what the government tells you what to do, business big mistake. Run your own buiness or government will put you out of business

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