Do you know there are Social Security tasks you can do online?
If you’ve ever had to go through the trouble of finding the closest Social Security office to change your name or get a replacement for your old and missing card, you’ve probably waited a lot.
Thankfully, we now have access to the Internet, which means we can take control of our Social Security tasks and a lot of important online decisions on our own.
Whether you’re a pre-retiree or a retired person who wants to get their Social Security benefits, this article is for you. The first thing you should do is set up a free MySocialSecurity account. It’s a prerequisite for many of the items on our list here, and it can also protect you against fraud.
Once you’re done setting up your account, you can take care of your Social Security tasks online. You can review your earnings history, calculate your benefits, file for Medicare and Social Security benefits, and do so many other things. Did you set it up? Okay, now let’s begin!

1. Ask for a replacement Medicare card
Perhaps you’re having trouble finding your red, white, and blue Medicare card. Don’t worry, because you can solve this issue in a couple of minutes. You can apply for a replacement card online at Social or
Sign in to your account (the one linked above), hit the “Replacement Documents” tab”, then select “Mail My Replacement Medicare Card.” It should get to you in about 30 days. Simple, right?
…Keep reading, because we know several social security tasks you can tackle online!
2. Ask for a replacement Social Security card
If your card is misplaced, stolen, or damaged and you need a replacement, there’s no need to go to a Social Security office and wait a long time. It’s easy to take care of this issue online, and in two weeks, the replacement card should be at your door.
This program is still being rolled out by the Social Security Administration and is accessible in the majority of the states. Unfortunately, it’s not available in states like Oklahoma, New Hampshire, or Alaska. You will need to apply in person at the nearest Social Security office or by mail for a new card.
Since you can only have three replacement cards in a year and ten in your lifetime, make sure you keep this one safe.
3. Review your earnings history
Use your MySocialSecurity online account to take a look at how much money you have earned every year since you turned 18. Keep in mind that if you find a mistake in your earnings history, the fun can end there. You might receive fewer benefits if the SSA’s record is inaccurate (which is one of the reasons your earnings history is accessible). Take a look and notify the Social Security Administration if you find any errors, so everything can be solved ASAP.

4. Estimate your Social Security benefits
Another Social Security task you can tackle online is estimating your benefits. Since you’ve paid into it for a few decades, it’s understandable that you want to know how much money you’ll get when you claim your benefits.
Thanks to your MySocialSecurity online account, you can easily access and review your Social Security statement. This is great news, especially since the SSA mails this information once a year.
Financial experts recommend staying up-to-date with your projected Social Security benefits, regardless of your age. This is particularly important if you plan to claim benefits at age 62 (the earliest eligibility), 67 (or 66, depending on your birth year), or 70, when benefits stop increasing.
5. Apply for Social Security benefits
You’ve chosen the date of your retirement and are of legal age. It’s now time to apply for your rightful Social Security benefits. And hey, good news: you’re no longer required to schedule an appointment with a representative or drive to an office because you can take care of this Social Security task online.
The SSA says you can apply online to start collecting your retirement payments. The process takes around 15 minutes. When you’re done filing, the SSA will get in touch with you via mail or phone if there are any inquiries regarding your application.
6. Apply for Medicare benefits
Approaching 65 years old? No worries, because you can use the Social Security website to enroll in Medicare Parts A and B. Keep in mind that your first enrollment period starts around three months before you turn 65.
Medicare Part B is your paid medical insurance, which you can refuse, and Medicare Part A is hospital insurance. The Social Security website provides you with a wealth of resources and answers a plethora of questions regarding Medicare possibilities, so read everything carefully.
7. Apply for Social Security disability payments
If you suffer from a medical condition that doesn’t allow you to work for at least a year, you might be lucky and qualify for Social Security disability benefits. Go to the Social Security website, then click on the disability planner to see if you’re eligible for these benefits. Everything from the comfort of your home!
8. Check the status of your Social Security application
Have you submitted a Social Security application yet? This is another easy Social Security task you can tackle online. You can check the progress of your application for Social Security benefits online, and it will only take you a few minutes.
You can view your re-entry number for any unfiled online benefits application or appeal, the date the Social Security Administration received it, the time and date of your scheduled hearing, the location where your current claim or appeal is being processed, and whether a decision has been made, all within your My Social Security account.

9. Change your address and telephone number
Let’s assume that the Social Security Administration is aware of your current address if you have moved about a bit over your professional life. You can use your MySocialSecurity account to update your contact details online. After logging in, select “My Profile,” then “Update Contact Information,” and finally make and submit the necessary adjustments. Easy.
10. Set up or change direct deposit
As of 2013, older Social Security beneficiaries can convert to direct deposit at any time, but new beneficiaries must start receiving their benefits electronically. If you have a MySocialSecurity account, you can set up or modify your Social Security benefit direct deposit online.
11. Appeal a Social Security decision
How come? You were turned down when you applied for Social Security benefits. There’s no need to worry because that unfavorable decision can be appealed online. You have up to 60 days to file an appeal after receiving your refusal. The letter will include the reasons for the denial.
There are four recourse options you can try: a federal court review, an administrative law judge hearing, an SSA Appeals Council review, or a reconsideration request.
12. Print your 1099
When it’s tax season, you’ll need all of your documents, and some who file early might not want to wait for their Form 1099 to arrive. Fortunately, you can take care of this Social Security task online. For any benefits you received in the prior year, you can print Form 1099 from your MySocialSecurity account, so sign up ASAP.
…If you want to learn more about Social Security benefits and how to make the most of them, check out this amazing book! It has all the information and tips you need!
What are your thoughts on this article? Did you know about these Social Security tasks you can solve online? Let us know in the comments below! If you enjoyed reading this article and would like to check out something else from The Money Place, here’s a good post for you: Don’t Miss Out on These 4 Military Veteran Financial Benefits!