10 Times When It Would Benefit You To Pay With Your Credit Card:
Personal finance experts are known to spend a ton of energy trying to prevent us from using credit cards, and there’s a good reason for that. Many of us would use credit cards with no responsibility, ending up in a ton of debt.
Even so, contrary to popular belief, it would be much better if you’d pay with a credit card, rather than a debit card while keeping the same time cash transactions to a minimum. Let’s see why your trusty credit card comes out on top, and then we’ll discuss a couple of strategies you could try and when’s the best time to use a credit card.
3 Responses
Those are really helpful tips that I already knew and instill in my children.
I agree with the credit card usage advice this article provided except with the use of a VISA credit card. I am a senior citizen that used my Nordstrom’s VISA credit card for Pauley’s Movers in Baltimore, MD. When I complained about the overcharges and services of the movers, Nordstrom agreed with my complaint and directed me on properly filing my complaint to VISA. VISA declined all the evidence I provided. I would not recommend VISA to anyone. I am no longer a VISA customer. Unfortunately, I found out too late many other negative reviews online about this moving company and, I’m extremely disappointed in VISA response and actions.
Very helpful, but I may talk face-to-face with my banker to clarify what’s best for me as a senior.