Have A Credit Card? Here Are 10 Times You Should Use It With Confidence

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Photo by Fit Ztudio from Shutterstock

Grace period

When you proceed on making a debit card purchase, your money will be gone right away. But when you pay with your credit card, your money remains in your checking account, until you pay the bill, and it can turn out to be helpful in a couple of ways.

First, the time value of money, even if it’s infinitesimal, will save you a lot of money. Delaying some future payments might make the purchase a bit cheaper than it would be in other situations. Secondly, when you keep on paying with a credit card, you’ll see that you don’t have to watch your bank account balance as closely.


The majority of credit cards will instantly come with several consumer protection that people don’t even realize they have, like rental car insurance (even if secondary to your personal auto insurance), travel insurance, and product warranties that might exceed the manufacturer’s warranty.

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3 Responses

  1. I agree with the credit card usage advice this article provided except with the use of a VISA credit card. I am a senior citizen that used my Nordstrom’s VISA credit card for Pauley’s Movers in Baltimore, MD. When I complained about the overcharges and services of the movers, Nordstrom agreed with my complaint and directed me on properly filing my complaint to VISA. VISA declined all the evidence I provided. I would not recommend VISA to anyone. I am no longer a VISA customer. Unfortunately, I found out too late many other negative reviews online about this moving company and, I’m extremely disappointed in VISA response and actions.


  2. Very helpful, but I may talk face-to-face with my banker to clarify what’s best for me as a senior.

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