7 Ways to Spot Fake Amazon Products

Photo by ArthurStock from Shutterstock

4. Product Photos Aren’t Original

Always check the photos of the Amazon product before buying it! This may sound like an easy thing to do, but there are some things you should keep in mind. For instance, when photos of an item seem just a little too perfect, the odds are pretty good that you’re about to buy fake Amazon products.

Offering customers a chance to examine the details of counterfeit wares is a plan that shady sellers would clearly want to avoid, so they’re more likely to turn to pictures from an existing ad or stock photography.

How to Avoid

If you want to find out if the photo has been previously used elsewhere, simply do a Google reverse image search. Basically, this feature helps you see how many websites have used the same photo.

If the photography comes from another existing ad, the odds are pretty good that the seller “stole” the photo from the internet. This way, they avoid using real photos.

Moreover, the more pictures there are that let you see the product from multiple angles, the better the chance that you’re dealing with a legitimate vendor.

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