8 Things You Must Buy at Dollar Stores (and Why)

dollar store
Photo by Natali _ Mis from shutterstock.com

1. Cleaning Products

If you’re on the hunt for some efficient and affordable cleaning products, it’s definitely worth taking a trip to the dollar store to get some. However, you’d better avoid liquid cleaners because their proprieties tend to diminish over time, and you can’t know how long the items have been sitting around, waiting for someone to purchase them.

Some of the best products are steel wool, powdered cleaners, and cleaning pads. If you go to Dollar Tree, you can find a three-pack of Brillo Basics heavy-duty scour cushions for no more than $1.25. In other places, such as Kroger, a product similar to this one will cost you roughly $2.19.

If you still want to purchase liquid toilet bowl cleaner, you won’t find them anywhere cheaper than at the dollar store; it’s just $1.25, which is way more affordable compared to other stores.

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One Response

  1. Greeting cards are a must have at the Dollar Tree as are summer kids water toys, such as pool noodles and water pistols. Also they carry a huge array of small kitchen gadgets. And a great place for sticking stuffers or just minute cheap gifts for kids

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