8 Things You Must Buy at Dollar Stores (and Why)

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Photo by stockcreations from shutterstock.com

4. Plant Supplies

There’s no doubt that you spend a lot of time at large box stores such as Home Depot, Lowe’s, and Walmart as the planting and gardening season heats up. But did you know that you can actually get plant supplies for less money and make some savings by shopping at dollar stores?

Plant items, including clay pots, glass marbles, and dishes, can be safely purchased at the dollar store if you’re repotting plants. However, make sure that they don’t have any damage so that you won’t have to pay the store another visit to replace your item.

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One Response

  1. Greeting cards are a must have at the Dollar Tree as are summer kids water toys, such as pool noodles and water pistols. Also they carry a huge array of small kitchen gadgets. And a great place for sticking stuffers or just minute cheap gifts for kids

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