8 Things You Must Buy at Dollar Stores (and Why)

dollar store
Photo by Mariia Boiko from shutterstock.com

7. Vases 

Flowers are beautiful, and delicate, and have one of the nicest scents ever. No wonder why you like to fill your gorgeous home with flowers placed in colorful and chic vases. Speaking of vases, there are a lot of options available on the market, but why overpay for them when you can find a bunch of models that will only cost you $1.25 each?

That’s right, these vases are available in a wide selection at Dollar Tree, all for just $1.25 each! Besides that, you might discover year-round items for sale as well as excellent seasonal vases for a reasonable price. That’s a great deal if you ask us.

Even if the vase from the dollar store breaks, you won’t spend nearly as much by buying it elsewhere. Therefore, the fact that it was less than $2 should minimize the impact of the incident.

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One Response

  1. Greeting cards are a must have at the Dollar Tree as are summer kids water toys, such as pool noodles and water pistols. Also they carry a huge array of small kitchen gadgets. And a great place for sticking stuffers or just minute cheap gifts for kids

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