Want to Save $100 per Month on Groceries? Try These 7 Hacks!

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Photo by Rostislav_Sedlacek from Shutterstock

#3 Skip on some high-priced items!

Yes, you read that right. There is nothing wrong with treating yourself from time to time, be it by getting a more expensive cut of meat or that one bottle of wine that you really like despite it being on the pricey side. However, if you add these costs to every grocery run, you will not save any money, no matter how hard you try!

A great way to save money when shopping for food is to cut back on these high-priced items and not buy them on a regular basis. Not only will you be saving up, but you will also feel they are more special that way. After all, there are very good wines that are on the cheaper side, and you can keep the really expensive ones for special occasions.

You may have other high-priced items you like to get, so make sure you look at what you consume and how often you consume it and see how you can make the cuts without making it feel like you’re depriving yourself of something nice. In the end, you’re not cutting them off completely; you’re just making sure they’re not frequent purchases!

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