9 Dollar Store Items That Aren’t Worth the Buck

Dollar Store
Photo by GLRL at Shutterstock

Pet Food or Treats

When it comes to your four legged loved ones, you might want to avoid buying pet food or any kind of treats from the dollar store. Many people have found that giving low-grade food or chewables to a pet means having a violently ill pet.

Regarding dollar store pet food, you should pay special attention to the expiration dates and the ingredients list on the back, as you would for any other food products.

Frequently, sticking to name-brand pet food is your best bet, especially if there are dietary restrictions for your cat or dog. Furthermore, you might even discover that you’ll get more bang for your buck at the big-brand stores.

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One Response

  1. I read all of your picks on what not to buy and your so,so right. I know from experience. Thats what these stores have on their shelves and most people know that. However, its still a fun store to go through regardless. There is always a cheap thing to buy that you can’t do without. lol

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