9 Dollar Store Items That Aren’t Worth the Buck

Dollar Store
Photo by Eric Glenn at Shutterstock


Ask any DIY enthusiast, and they will always tell you: A screwdriver or hammer that costs a dollar is going to break… and pretty quickly too. Anyone who works daily with any type of tool will tell you that tools are always worth the investment.

With how low quality they are at the dollar store, you’ll have to replace them so often that you’ll wish you’d just splurged from the beginning. The bottom line is: Don’t go anywhere near the tool section in a dollar store.

You’ll just be throwing all that money down the drain. And more importantly, poorly made tools can be dangerous as well.

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One Response

  1. I read all of your picks on what not to buy and your so,so right. I know from experience. Thats what these stores have on their shelves and most people know that. However, its still a fun store to go through regardless. There is always a cheap thing to buy that you can’t do without. lol

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