10 Discounts Only Seniors Get in New York

Photo by Rocketclips, Inc. from Shutterstock

2. Gristedes Supermarket

Gristedes Supermarket opened its first store in New York State more than 100 years ago. Since then, the chain has continued to expand and has added pharmacies and cafes to its stores. Currently, they have stores in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Westchester, and Roosevelt Island.

One great way the chain serves the community is by providing discounts for senior citizens. Gristedes Supermarket offers a generous 10% discount to anyone 65 or older. However, you can only take advantage of the discount on Tuesdays. The only thing you have to do is bring a valid ID when you go grocery shopping.

So, if you’re not in a hurry to buy your groceries but can wait until Tuesday, we would really encourage you to go grocery shopping then. A 10% discount can end up being a big chunk of savings, and a 10% savings over time can quickly add up to hundreds of dollars, if not more.

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