5 Costco Prices Codes to Discover the Biggest Discounts

Photo by Ekaterina_Molcha nova from Shutterstock

4. Price code ending in .88 What does it mean?

If you see a price tag that has a price ending in .88, things are simple. This price code can mean only three things: the item might be one of the last models left, it might be a floor model, or it is a return.

It is very likely to come across products with .88 on the price tag around the walls of the store or at the end of the aisle. If you find an item like this that you like and want, make sure to buy it right away since it might be the last one in the store. If you leave it there and walk around wondering if you should buy it or not, the product might not be there anymore when you come back to pick it up.

You might have found a fantastic deal, but be careful and examine the item thoroughly. It might be a return, and because of that, you should check it for potential faults before buying. If everything seems alright, just go for it. After all, it is the last item. People surely have a reason for buying them.

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