6 New Ways Retirees Can Save on Taxes This Season

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Photo by create jobs 51 from Shutterstock

#2 Boost up that HSA account!

This one is easier to do if you are already on an HDHP (a high-deductible health plan) and you are still employed; otherwise, it may be a bit more difficult. But either way, you can still look into accessing an HSA (a health savings account), which is going to help you save money when you have to pay out of pocket for medical expenses.

Not only is this one of those things that are going to help you in the long run when it comes to having to pay for things that are not covered by your insurance or by Medicaid, but it can also be a way to save some money on your taxes.

HSA accounts made through payroll are going to grow not only with pre-tax money, but they are also growing tax-free, and if you have to make any withdrawals, those aren’t going to be taxed either! So you will not be losing money but saving in the long run, and it is a great way to do things even if you are only a few years away from retirement.

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