Want to Reduce Your Taxes? Here Are 7 (Necessary) Tips 

Photo by Black Salmon from shutterstock.com

6. Donate to charity

Donating to charity will not only make you feel better knowing that you helped someone in need, but it can also help you pay less in taxes. Speaking of that, experts say that all the charitable contributions that are made with cash, payroll deductions, or donations of clothing items or any other goods can all be deductible.

Generally speaking, you should itemize in order to claim a deduction, but given the fact that the 2017 tax reform almost doubled the standard amount of deductions, many people choose not to do it.

You can still donate to charity and manage to pay fewer taxes, but you should set up a donor-advised fund to do so. Accountants say that all these funds are actually deductible in the same year they’re made, but the donations can be sent to different charities over the years.

This gives taxpayers the chance to combine many years’ worth of donations into a single year, which then allows itemizing deductions.

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