9 States That Made Big Changes to Their Tax Laws

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Photo by Africa Studio from Shutterstock

#6 Arizona

Arizona is yet another one of the states that has decided to change the way in which they tax individual income. They have joined the other twelve states in cutting these taxes back in 2021, and while some chose to make these changes retroactive (from January 1, 2021), others, like Arizona, chose to have them take effect beginning in 2022.

The lower base income tax rate for all Arizona taxpayers has been lowered so that it does not exceed 4.5%. Which is great news for all the residents and a guarantee that it will not see sudden increases for the time being.

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8 Responses

  1. Just another way for the wealthiest of us to keep their money! If you want to impress me with tax break maybe cut the ridiculously high property tax’s in Iowa. Property taxes should not be a bigger monthly payment then your mortgage principle balance but it is?

  2. Well I am waiting to see what the rate for retirees. It’s crazy that they want to take away our hard earned money, working 50-60 hrs per week and save in a IRA now they are going to raise taxes to take care of illegals. Something is NOT right with this picture. It’s OUR money, not the governments.

  3. Last spring I heard the our state (Maryland) had passed legislation giving retirees a break on income taxes. I have yet to find out what that break is.

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