You Can Spend Less at Restaurants With These 10 Tips

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7. Eat your lunch out

If you love eating out but you still want to save money, we have some good news for you! Go on a lunch date! It’s usually way less expensive than eating dinner out, and you can always get some extras, such as a salad or soup with your meal. And the best part is that all of these will cost you less than the main dish at dinnertime.

8. Skip the appetizer

If the restaurant you love offers free bread or chips and salsa, consider yourself lucky, because you won’t have to spend extra money on an appetizer to leave the place feeling full and satisfied. Enjoy the free and delicious food they give you and put the extra money you would’ve spent on an entrée towards your savings account.

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2 Responses

  1. I do not follow restaurants on social media. I use social media very rarely due to all the tracking and inevitably being sent related emails etc as a result which I hate.

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