Lots of credit cards offer various incentives to all consumers who frequently use them, such as cashback and zero liability in case of fraud. However, we shouldn’t get used to paying every single transaction with our credit cards, especially if we’re not dealing very well with debt.
In most cases, keeping the plastic tucked away in your pockets would be best. Unfortunately, for some readers, this might be a bit too late. If you’re already fighting a ton of debt, remember that it’s never too late to ask for a little help.
Many reputable professionals have great insights into credit card usage and debt payment. We’ve decided to make a list of things you shouldn’t pay for with your credit card, so click next to find out more:
2 Responses
What do you suggest using your personal credit card on?
So what the hell do you use your card for?? You’ve eliminated almost every normal expense or enjoyment of any everyday JOE. Granted I agree with half of your suggestions but enjoying an evening out with your wife? She deserves a nice evening out!!!