Never Pay for These 14 Things With Your Credit Card

Photo by Rido from Shutterstock

Medical bills

If you decide to use a medical credit card that’s available through your health care provider’s office to pay your bills, make sure you carefully read the fine print that mentions your obligations, especially those that explain how and when interest is charged. Also, you need to consider all the steps you might take to reduce your monthly healthcare costs.

A night out

Giving out your credit card on a night out is probably one of the worst decisions you could ever make. If you are out with your friends throwing back drinks, make sure you don’t run a tab you can’t afford to pay.

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2 Responses

  1. So what the hell do you use your card for?? You’ve eliminated almost every normal expense or enjoyment of any everyday JOE. Granted I agree with half of your suggestions but enjoying an evening out with your wife? She deserves a nice evening out!!!

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