Big-ticket stuff you can’t pay off right away
Credit cards have all these great purchase protections, so you should use them for various big-ticket purchases. However, buying something on credit when you can’t pay it back right away isn’t a smart choice at all.
Credit card payments
In theory, you shouldn’t and mustn’t charge your monthly credit card payment on another credit card. You’ve probably been tempted to do so. You will pay a cash advance fee and it’s likely for you to get a bigger interest rate on the amount of money advanced than you pay on your credit card purchases.
You might not get a grace period on the interest the way you’d normally do with credit card purchases. Interest will probably begin to accumulate right away.
2 Responses
What do you suggest using your personal credit card on?
So what the hell do you use your card for?? You’ve eliminated almost every normal expense or enjoyment of any everyday JOE. Granted I agree with half of your suggestions but enjoying an evening out with your wife? She deserves a nice evening out!!!