Never Pay for These 14 Things With Your Credit Card

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Photo by akamakis from Shutterstock

“SALE” items

If you feel like you will miss out on savings if you don’t buy a specific item that’s on sale, this doesn’t mean that you should, by any means, use your credit card. The best thing to do is to way for a day or two and reconsider whether you really need it or not. After all, it’s the best way to save more money!

Unsecured online purchases

When you’re shopping online, you have to make sure that the web address of your site has “HTTPS”, instead of “HTTP.” Otherwise, that’s the best sign to shop elsewhere. Even more, maybe you do a little bit of research before buying anything online, just to make sure that the company you’re about to give your money to is reputable.

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2 Responses

  1. So what the hell do you use your card for?? You’ve eliminated almost every normal expense or enjoyment of any everyday JOE. Granted I agree with half of your suggestions but enjoying an evening out with your wife? She deserves a nice evening out!!!

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