Never Pay for These 14 Things With Your Credit Card

Photo by Andrey_Popov from Shutterstock

Other people’s expenses

You might be extremely giving, but this doesn’t mean that you should put your credit card at stake every time someone asks you to. Your friends and family might ask you to loan them some money off your credit card, with the promise to give it back to you very soon.

Even if it seems like a harmless request, it might harm you more than you think. What if you incur all kinds of interest costs, or even worse, lose your interest-fee grace period? It will only complicate things even further for you.

Big business expenses

Even if you have a large business to run and you can’t afford to get that stock you want to, a credit card shouldn’t become your go-to. It would be more advisable to consider a business loan or even a personal loan. However, make sure you choose one with lower rates and flexible repayments!

Or, as an alternative, you could always consider a business credit card for some of your smallest expenses. Some expenses such as petrol for your company car, other travel expenses, and even online payments can be easily done with a business credit card. This way, you’ll be able to fully track your spending history, and make secure payments.

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2 Responses

  1. So what the hell do you use your card for?? You’ve eliminated almost every normal expense or enjoyment of any everyday JOE. Granted I agree with half of your suggestions but enjoying an evening out with your wife? She deserves a nice evening out!!!

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