7 Social Security Benefits That Will Change SOON

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Photo by Andrey_Popov from Shutterstock

A couple of Medicare premiums will be lower

As Social Security and Medicare are completely different, the majority of retirees will prefer participating in both, so the nationalized healthcare system decided to make a particularly notable change for next year.

Monthly Medicare Part B premiums will definitely increase from $170.10 in 2022 to only $164.90 soon. It has been noted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that the complete Medicare enrollment was almost 64 million in October 2021.

What’s the maximum amount of Social Security benefit you can get on a monthly basis?

The most you can get from Social Security depends completely on a couple of factors. First, how much you have earned over your working life when you start taking your benefits, and your COLA increase. In time, these benefits will increase, as long as the COLA shows an increase. The maximum initial monthly benefit for the next year’s retirement age is the following one:

Age 62: $2,572
Age 65: $3,279
Age 66: $3,506
Age 70: $4,555

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31 Responses

  1. Monthly Medicare Part B premiums will definitely increase from $170.10 in 2022 to only $164.90 in 2023. ???

  2. if we stop giving money to even one in the world and give it to the people the that worked for it. it would last.

  3. Then why is it that spouses that were married over 38 years can not be eligible for survivor benefits because the wife worked for a government. Supported the man and he left me with a huge credit card debt and I would only receive $1000.00 on his benefit – I get $350 on my SSI – WHY would I not be eligble for the $1000 a month when certain nationalites can get it and I can’t? Don’t understand it because he commited sucide and I am having a rough time right now! I have tired to appeal it to no avail and NO lawyer will touch it.

  4. You need to change the 1977 laws for survivor benefits. Widows need help. You gave us a raise but take it away in medical expenses.

  5. They told me when I applied I was not eligible for disablty because I had fibro and that was NOT a disability – they were wrong – other nationalities claim it and get it why not White people?

  6. Nice but the reality of it is for at least the last twelve years that I’ve been disabled, my check got more and more every year yet I had less and less to buy with it!!! the last two “big” adjustments are no different, last year I got my “big” increase yet It had bought me even less of my needs than ever before, it was actually a big pay cut at the grocery store. This year my rent in this low income community went up $210 per month.. Approved by our fine government… The truth is we can not afford these big increases.. Another big increase like this and I’ll be homeless ..while billions flow for the Ukrainians

  7. I am a retired Texas teacher, but have enough years, months, etc. paid in for social security. Yet, I only get a portion of social security that I am entitled to. My teacher retirement is not that much because I worked several years prior to that and paying into Social Security.

    I need and deserve the money that I am entitled to from Social Security.

    1. Same here, I am in Georgia, it’s crazy, it seems like they took more than half of my Social Security when I got my teachers pension

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