Your account may not be worth the money you’re paying for it
Some bank accounts offer a variety of added extras, including free travel insurance, in exchange for a monthly fee. But unless you use ALL of the amenities they offer, the account is probably not worth the money you’re paying.
Employees recommend you opt for a standard account instead.
Banks aren’t robbed as often as people believe
Yes, people CAN be held up and locked in a vault, just like in the movies. But there is a huge amount of security in ALL banks and credit unions, and employees are taught precisely how to prevent it and what to do in every situation.
There are secret things tellers will do while being robbed to alert the police immediately. They know when and where it’s most likely to happen, what most robbers do, and how they act. And most importantly, what to do to catch them while they’re still inside the bank.
The training is horribly dull and extensive, and they must pass many tests to get on the floor. So anyone looking to rob a bank is simply looking for an easy way to get arrested!