Every time you swipe, banks cash in
Did you know about this? Each time you spend money or pay for anything using your credit or debit card, you pay a price. The store is charged a fee for processing your transaction. And most of that amount goes back to your bank.
So even when you’re spending your own money, the bank still cashes in as a result.
Beware of the universal default clause
You might be itching to sign up for a credit card with your local branch. But before you do that, make sure you inquire if it has a “universal default clause.” This is also commonly referred to as “the ultimate poison clause in credit cards.”
If you find out that it does, run for the nearest exit sign. This clause allows your bank to look through all your credit accounts, and if it notices that you’re delinquent in paying a bill on a different card, it gets to jack up the interest rate on the one you have with them.