1. Shipping labels
Your package has finally arrived, and you couldn’t be more happy about it! But I bet that you forgot a small, simple detail about it: to remove the shipping label from it before throwing the box in the garbage. That’s called a shipping label, and it’s usually found under a plastic pouch. This piece of paper helps the courier find you easily; therefore, it contains valuable information about you: your address, full name, and the money you paid (or have to pay) for the package.
Before throwing or recycling the box, make sure you double-check it, pull out all the shipping labels it might have, and shred them as soon as possible. This is one of the first documents you should shred for your safety!
5 Responses
One place you may get free shredding may be your library.
Commercial vendors, will charge you about $1 per pound.
I got a shredder at Walmart for $20+ (looks like $39 now). I got not the cheapest – mine does 8 sheets and credit cards. It does diamond or cross cut, which is better than strips. When I had a lot, I used a fire – breakup the ashes afterwards.
good info
Thanks for placement to go
Why would anyone destroy a birth certificate? You need that to get a passport, among other things.