2. Papers with a Social Security number
Did you know that 158 million Social Security numbers were exposed in 2017? And the worrying thing is that the numbers keep growing! The social security number you have is one of the key means of verification for all US citizens. This number, which is given to you at birth and is used by many governmental organizations to authenticate your identification, may be found on several sorts of paperwork, such as credit applications, payroll documents, tax documents, and college applications.
After you decide what documents you should shred, make sure you also destroy the numbers on them. Someone else may use your social security number to apply for credit, find work, or rent a place to live in your name.
5 Responses
One place you may get free shredding may be your library.
Commercial vendors, will charge you about $1 per pound.
I got a shredder at Walmart for $20+ (looks like $39 now). I got not the cheapest – mine does 8 sheets and credit cards. It does diamond or cross cut, which is better than strips. When I had a lot, I used a fire – breakup the ashes afterwards.
good info
Thanks for placement to go
Why would anyone destroy a birth certificate? You need that to get a passport, among other things.