10 Unbelievable Things Your Taxes Are Paying For

military bases
Photo by Aleksandar Malivuk from Shutterstock

10. Turning the World Into a Huge Network of US Bases

According to CNBC, the US government spends over $150 billion a year maintaining 800 military bases in 80 countries. Yes, many of them are obviously relevant and necessary.

But some of them —  like the 113 bases in Japan, the 174 in Germany, and the 83 in South Korea — are post-World War II and Cold War relics that cost our nation a lot of money. These funds are used to maintain the bases as well as to pay the host countries for giving the US government the right to keep the bases there.

Many military experts agree there are too many of these bases, and, in some cases, they harm rather than serve American interests.

You may also want to read 9 States That Made Big Changes To Their Tax Laws.

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