13 Ways to Get Your IRS Tax Refund Faster Than Ever

social security stealth refund
Photo by chuckstock from Shutterstock

Make sure you check the Social Security numbers for everyone mentioned on your tax forms

If you notice an error on a Social Security number of a dependent, it might slow down the entire process. The Social Security error might happen to anyone, and if the numbers aren’t entered correctly, it will only slow down the refund.

Make sure there’s only one filing status selected

Before you file, make sure that you’ve chosen the right filing status on the tax return form. It could seem fairly simple, but you might have to commit to one filing status box, even if two or more boxes are applicable. An incorrect filing status could eventually delay a refund or potentially require additional documentation in the indicated filing status box.

Make sure only one of you is claiming your child as a dependent if you decide to file separately

Only one parent could claim each child as a dependent, so you should speak with your ex beforehand to settle on who will claim the child. Because if you both claim him or her and your ex is the first one to do so, your return won’t be accepted by the IRS, which will certainly cause delays in your refund.

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