1. Hawaii
- Average House Value in 2022: $828,002
- Effective Property Tax Rate in 2019: 0.31%
- Median Household Income in 2019: $83,102
- Annual Taxes on a Median-Priced Property: $2,566.81
According to several studies, Hawaii has been the state with the lowest effective property tax rate in the US since 2019. However, the average price for a house in Hawaii is $828,002 — the highest of the 10 states on this list. This means that this state’s homeowners may still have to pay a hefty tax bill.
Hawaii has the second-highest median household income of any state (Washington, D.C., ranking in the first spot). In spite of this major advantage, Hawaii also has the highest cost of living (measured by the Consumer Price Index) out of all 50 states as of 2021.