Here Are 10 States With the Most Favorable Property Taxes

Photo by Joseph Sohm from Shutterstock

5. Colorado

  • Average House Value in 2022: $545,794
  • Effective Property Tax Rate in 2019: 0.52%
  • Median Household Income in 2019: $77,127
  • Annual Taxes on a Median-Priced Property: $2,838.13

Colorado has a low effective property tax rate, but house prices are quite high there, which means that homeowners have to pay $2,838.13 a year on a median-priced property — the second-highest annual taxes of any state on this list.

And yet, Colorado has the second-highest median household income on our list, which may help that financial burden seem relatively affordable.

Its 9.3% poverty rate is on the lower side, which may also be an advantage.

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