Are you looking for the types of income that are not taxable?
If you are worried that your retirement income is going to be subject to a lot of taxes, then you should look into the options you have to access the types that will not be subject to them. The truth is that while there are a lot of retirement funds that are subject to income tax, not all of them are going to be cut down due to taxes, and you can take advantage of them even before you are retired!
We have looked into the best ways in which you can supplement your income in ways that are not going to add on extra taxes, so that you do not have to spend too much time finding this information. Be it that these funds are going to come from accounts you already have and are worried they may be taxed, or they are going to be income you receive from someone else, here is a breakdown of the types of retirement income that is not going to be taxed!
Let us know if you already have some of these accounts or if you have been using them ever since you retiered!
One Response
nothing is government safe (FDIC ) even annuities pay taes when one cashes it………….can you xplain ?