Social Security
Social Security is a topic found on everyone’s lips, especially those who are bound to retire. It’s highly important to know the average monthly Social Security retirement benefit check will modify to $1,827 starting January 2023, or close to under $22,000 a year.
Of course, that’s not going to be enough for most people, and that’s exactly why you have to start planning, saving, and investing as soon as possible. However, it’s important to note that’s just an average. If you earned way more than that, you’ll automatically collect more.
The maximum benefit for all seniors who retired at their full retirement age was $43,524 a year. If you want to get a better idea of how much you should expect, you can head over to the Social Security Administration website and set up your own SSA account.
Once you do that, you can check in anytime to see your SSA’s record of your earnings, but also your Social Security benefits, based on when you decide to claim them. You can easily claim your benefits when you reach 62 years old, and as late as 70 years old. However, it’s worth mentioning that if you start collecting your Social Security benefits at 62 years old, your checks could be smaller.