2023: Will You Get a Stimulus Check? Let’s Find Out!

stimulus check
Photo by DenisProduction.com from shutterstock.com

However, federal stimulus money was not authorized by legislators this year for a major reason: the robust state of the job market. Some people say that another round of stimulus checks this year would make inflation worse but we don’t know what to think about it.

In 2022, while the federal government has yet to distribute stimulus checks, several individual states have stepped in to help their citizens in need, and we’re happy they decided to do so.

Will this still be the case in the year 2023? Click on the next page to find out! Stimulus checks might be coming!

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7 Responses

  1. I became a widow in Mar 2020 which cut
    My income almost in half. I received a stimulus ck that
    Year but that ended in 2021. I am retired
    From federal svc since 2004 and am 86 yrs
    old and moved into a Senior Home in Oct
    2022. It takes my whole retirement ck to pay
    for sr. Home. Another stimulus check could
    really help me and thousand

    s of others like me.

  2. I’m a retired 40 year gov’t employee, My increase in retirement income for 2023 is 78 dollars monthly. My increase in health benefits costs is 73 dollars monthly. So, I have $5 a month to divide up for other inflated costs. You can guess if I’m happy about what’s happening in current affairs.

  3. See retirees are staving, freezing in their homes, can’t afford to go out, while the people in DC get to party and eat steak and lobster and buy luxurious homes and cars. Who are these thugs.

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