7 Ways to Spot Fake Amazon Products

Photo by mama_mia from Shutterstock

3. The Product Is Familiar But the Brand Isn’t

When you find an item that you already know well but aren’t familiar with the brand that made it, there’s a pretty good chance it could be a fake Amazon product. Counterfeiters will often make cheap versions of easily-copied or popular products that they can see for a much lower price than the legitimate versions.

How to Avoid

When you’re about to buy a common product but have never heard of the brand that sells it, make sure you do a quick search to find any available information about the seller. The Internet is your best friend in this situation—look for any webpage that contains reviews, comments, or anything related to the concerned vendor.

There’s a good chance to find the occasional company that’s recreating the brand-name product without compromising on the quality, and if so, it should leave at least a few satisfied customers in its wake.

In other words, if there are negative reviews about the company or, worse, no reviews at all, consider it a red flag. It’s better to be safe than sorry; you’ve wasted your money on fake Amazon products.

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